linux shell可以识别4种不同类型的引字符号: 单引号字符' 双引号字符" 反斜杠字符\ 反引号字符` 1. 单引号 ( '' )# grep Susan phonebook Susan Goldberg 403-212-4921 Susan Topple 212-234-2343 如果我们想查找的是Susan Goldberg,不能直接使用grep Susan Goldberg phonebook命令,grep会把Goldberg和phonebook当作需要搜索的文件 # gre
$current_account_url='<a class="mini-button" iconcls="icon-edit" onclick="printabc('html/达能益力贸易(深圳)有限公司-[101]广东 2016-04-01-2016-04-30对账单.html')">查看/打印1</a>'; $sql_url="update tools_current_account set current
centos下面, awk '{...}' 和 awk "{...}" 差别是很大的: [ywt@YuWentao]$ echo "a b c d 1 2 3 4" | awk '{print $2}' b [ywt@YuWentao]$ echo "a b c d 1 2 3 4" | awk "{print $2}" a b c d 1 2 3 4 简单来说,双引号无法正常工作, 一不小心敲错简直天壤之别.
The Q-quote delimiter can be any single- or multibyte character except space, tab, and return. If the opening quote delimiter is a [, {, <, or ( character, then the closing quote delimiter must be the corresponding ], }, >, or )character. In all oth
如果一个变量放在单引号中,会被当作字符串来处理,如果是放在双引号中,则会被当值一个变量来处理(此时可以用 {}扩起来,也可以不用). <?php $txt = "hello, this is from txt"; echo 'the word is {$txt}'; //the word is {$txt} echo "the word is {$txt}"; //the word is hello, this is from txt