javap可以打印出java的字节码: -c Prints out disassembled code, i.e., the instructions that comprise the Java bytecodes, for each of the methods in the class. These are documented in the Java Virtual Machine Specification @ http://do
称号:考虑到用户层面.打印出指定的矩阵,例如,一个给定的用户10,例如,下面的输出应被视为在图: 程序如下所示: #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> int main() { int dimension; int *p; int startx, starty, endx, endy; int i, j, value = 0; printf("Please input dimension:"); scanf("%
给定数组a[1,2,3],用a里面的元素来生成一个长度为5的数组,打印出其排列组合 ruby代码: def all_possible_arr arr, length = 5 ret = [] length.times do if ret.empty? ret = {|i| [i]} else new_ret = [] ret.each do |r| arr.each do |e| new_ret << r.clone.unshift(e) end end ret = new_r