位图和矢量图: Bitmap: Usually a larger file size Cannot be enlarged into a higher resolution as the image quality will be affected Used to display complex images with many colors, such as photographs Vector: Very small in file size Graphics can be resized
错误:The content of element type "font-face" is incomplete, it must match "((font-face-src,(desc|title|metadata)*)|((desc|title|metadata)+,font-face-src,((desc|title|metadata))*?))". 添加: <font-face-src> <font-face-name name=&quo
在编写前端代码的过程中经常会遇到使用特定的字体(*.woff,*.svg),此时在加载字体时请求会被返回 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found). 原因是,默认在IIS上是没有添加对*.woff,*.svg文件的Mime类型,因此在客户端请求此类文件时得到的都是404. 所以我们只需要在我们对应网站下的Mime类型中添加文件对应的类型就行了 .woff application/