if语法 : if [ expression ] then commandselif [ expression2 ] then commandselse commandsfi case 语法: case string1 in str1) commands;; str2) commands;; *) commans;;esac 循环语句 for 语法: for var in list do comm
http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/CshTop10.txt ====================================================================== Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell====================================================================== Written by Bruce B
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/linfeng999/article/details/6661233 1. 构造字符串 直接构造 STR_ZERO=hello #shell中等号左右的空格不能随便加,如果写作STR_ZERO = hello,linux会认为STR_ZERO是一个命令而执行出错 STR_FIRST="i am a string" STR_SECOND='success' USER_NAME='world' 重复多次 #repeat the first p
利用 if .... then 单层.简单条件判断式 if [ 条件判断式 ]; then 当条件判断式成立时,可以进行的命令工作内容: fi <==将 if 反过来写,就成为 fi !结束 if 之意! && 代表 AND : || 代表 or : [ "$yn" == "Y" -o "$yn" == "y" ]上式可替换为 [ "$yn" == "Y" ] ||
Using activity manager (am) Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the activity manager (am) tool to perform various system actions, such as start an activity, force-stop a process, broadcast an intent, modify the device screen properties,
Sequence 1: Configuring the bash Shell Deliverable: A system with new aliases that clear the screen, and produce a useful timesortedls listing. Instructions: 1. You have decided to create an alias so that when you type c, the system will run the clea