雷达图常用于对多项指标的全面分析.例如:HR想要比较两个应聘者的综合素质,用雷达图分别画出来,就可以进行直观的比较. 用Matplotlib画雷达图需要使用极坐标体系,可点击此链接,查看对极坐标体系的介绍:https://www.cnblogs.com/kallan/p/6738577.html. 下面,我们从五个方面(编程能力,沟通技能,专业知识,团队协作,工具掌握)来对路人甲和路人乙进行比较. 代码如下: import numpy as np from matplotlib import p
雷达图或蛛网图(Radar chart) 简介 A radar chart is a way of showing multiple data points and the variation between them. They are often useful for comparing the points of two or more different data sets 使用案例 newChart(ctx).Radar(data,options); 数据结构 var data ={
参考资料:http://www.cnblogs.com/jeason1997/p/5130413.html ** 描述:雷达图 刷新 radarDate.SetVerticesDirty(); using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UI; [AddComponentMenu("UI/Extensions/RadarEditor")] public class RadarEditor : MaskableGraph