怎样看懂Oracle的执行计划 一.什么是执行计划 An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle. 二.如何访问数据 At the physical level Oracle reads blocks of data. The smallest amount of data read is a single Oracle blo
Description 题目描述 While skimming his phone directory in 1982, Albert Wilansky, a mathematician of Lehigh University, noticed that the telephone number of his brother-in-law H. Smith had the following peculiar property: The sum of the digits of that nu
如何看懂Oracle执行计划 一.什么是执行计划 An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle. 二.如何访问数据 At the physical level Oracle reads blocks of data. The smallest amount of data read is a single Oracle bloc
网上有很多博客讲到,React.Vue里的key,与 Virtual DOM 及 DOM diff 有关, 可以用来唯一标识DOM节点,提高diff效率,云云. 这大致是对的,但是,大多讲得语焉不详,像是在背答案. 具体怎么个提效法?为什么说用数组下标当作key是"反模式"?讲了一堆,能不能来个眼见为实,show me the code? 本文以React为例,尝试稍微刨一刨,但又不刨到太底层,以足够帮助理解为度. 1. VNode diff 首先介绍 Virtual DOM 结点(后
看完SQL Server 2014 Q/A答疑集锦:想不升级都难! 转载自:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5rZCgnMKmJqeC7hbe4CZ_g 本期嘉宾为微软技术中心技术架构师韩凯(社区ID:Chris_Han0015),主要负责大数据和云计算领域.在美国取得系统工程硕士学位后,服务于华尔街主要银行与金融机构.从事流程再造与创新与商务智能方案设计实施. IT名人堂栏目对微软技术中心技术架构师韩凯进行了独家访谈,揭秘了SQL Server 2014不可不知的那些事儿.