比如 mapping(address => uint) tester,只需要判断 mapping 是否为默认值 0, tester[msg.sender] == 0 "You can think of mappings as hash tables, which are virtually initialised such that every possible key exists and is mapped to a value whose byte-representation is
'''题一:判断列表中含有字符串且组成新的列表打印输出知识点:列表.列表的增删改查.for循环.if判断'''#@Author:Dotest软件测试#@QQ:1274057839names = ['Dotest','test','donghao',100,True]#定义空列表:容器:思考:为什么不放在for循环里面定义?str_name = []#for循环for name in names: #if判断:函数:isinstance是判断是否为某类型 if isinstance(name,st
//判断字符串是不是中文String.prototype.isChinese = function () { var reg = /[^\x00-\xff]/ig;//判断是否存在中文和全角字符// var reg=/[A-Za-z]*[a-z0-9_-]|\s$/;//判断是否包含数字字母下划线 当使用这个时如果只有部分是中文字符还可以使用英文字体 if (reg.test(this)) { return true;//存在中文 } return