新的项目用了这个,以前从来没用过,配置了一下,看看这个到底是个什么东东. 先学习一下英文单词: sonar 声纳, qube 方盒子, 连起来应该叫声纳盒, SonarQube一看就是一个监测诊断设备. 官方定义是这样的,原文如下,简单来说就是一个源码分析诊断工具,诊断粒度从产品甚至到一个方法都有. "The SonarQube® platform is an open source quality management platform, dedicated to continuously a
http:// www.sonarqube.org MySQL Unsupported mysql version: 5.5. Minimal supported version is 5.6. There are two well-known engines that can be used in MySQL: MyISAM and InnoDB. MyISAM is the oldest of the two engines and is being progressively replac