若要转载本文,请务必声明出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongyuanzhao000/p/11686633.html 起因: 最近正在尝试SonarQube的简单使用,但是当在项目的根目录执行命令sonar-scanner时,出现了报错如下: ERROR: Unable to create symbol table for : /usr/local/workspace/simple-java-maven-app/src/main/java/com/mycompany/a
Use Exceptions Rather Than Return Codes Back in the distant past there were many languages that didn't have exceptions.In those languages the techniques for handling and reportiing errors were limited.You either set an error flag or returned an error
import java.io.Serializable; public class JsonResult implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4800793124936904868L; public static final int SUCCESS=200; public static final int ERROR=201; /** * 返回是否成功的状态,200表示成功, * 201或其
spring boot 老版本处理异常 对于浏览器客户端,返回error数据 对于非浏览器返回json数据, 主要取决于你的请求head 是什么 但是当我们自定义了: 老版本无论请求什么都会返回json异常数据, @ControllerAdvice public class UserExceptionHandler { @ResponseBody @ExceptionHandler(UserNotFoundExits.class) public Map<String, Object> ha