方法一 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25815202/git-fetch-a-single-commit The git fetch command delivers references (names, not raw commit-IDs) to the remote, more or less. (More specifically, use git ls-remote remotename to see what the remote is wi
http://hi.baidu.com/conanx/blog/item/05479befd6534d03fdfa3cbb.html 安装上Android模拟器之后,开启一个Android 2.2的模拟器,发现屏幕太大了,模拟器最下面的导航按键根本就显示不出来,还是百度一下,找到了解决的办法如下: 打开Eclipse --> Run --> Run Configuration... --> Target 标签页最下面 Additional Emulator Command Line Op
Problem Description The three hands of the clock are rotating every second and meeting each other many times everyday. Finally, they get bored of this and each of them would like to stay away from the other two. A hand is happy if it is at least D de
as we known,sql数据库高版本向低版本还原是不太可能但是又经常会碰到的事,今天实测了一种方法 步骤:任务—>生成脚本—> 下一步->高级,选择数据库版本和编写脚本数据类型为架构和数据,可以保留数据. 继续下一步完成. 最终得到一个巨大的sql脚本文件 ->接下来首先要在低版本数据库中新建一个目标数据库,然后运行sql脚本文件即可 一般的sql文件我们都是直接在SqlServer的查询窗口直接执行的,但是这个巨大的sql文件实在是太大了,SqlServer甚至是记事本都无