Splunk Enterprise architecture and processes This topic discusses the internal architecture and processes of Splunk Enterprise at a high level. If you're looking for information about third-party components used in Splunk Enterprise, see the credits
术语: Event :Events are records of activity in log files, stored in Splunk indexes. 简单说,处理的日志或话单中中一行记录就是一个Event:Source type: 来源类型,identifies the format of the data,简单说,一种特定格式的日志,可以定义为一种source type:Splunk默认提供有500多种确定格式数据的type,包括apache log.常见OS的日志.Cisco等
一.下载安装包 可以从国内网站进入:http://10data.com/splunk/ 下载前需要注册一个splunk账号,注册后便可以提供下载,安装包名称:splunklight-6.5.1-f74036626f0c-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm 二.安装splunk Install Splunk Light using the RPM package To follow these installation instructions, replace splunk_package