In last Spring AOP advice examples, the entire methods of a class are intercepted automatically. But for most cases, you may just need a way to intercept only one or two methods, this is what 'Pointcut' come for. It allow you to intercept a method by
Build path is incomplete. Cannot find class file for org.springframework.aop.Advisor 初学spring,记录一下出现的错误 在写AOP的时候,出现了错误Build path is incomplete. Cannot find class file for org.springframework.aop.Advisor 解决办法:下载org.springframework.aop的jar文件 然后将zip文件解压
本文转自: 首先看个例子,如下 接口代码: package com.lei.demo.aop.schema; public interface IHello { public void sayHello(); } 接口实现: package com.lei.demo.aop.schema; public class HelloService implements IHello { public void