cassandra运行出现了Unable to gossip with any seeds,cqlsh链接不上,提示connection refused处理办法 问题描述 当启动了cassandra之后出现: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to gossip with any seeds at org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper.doShadowRound( at org.apache.
原文地址: 出现问题描述: 1.Could not get a resource from the pool, Connection refused: connect windows Java这边客户端链接被拒接了,想想问题 1.Vmware里面的linux所安装的redis已经正常启动 2.在windows用ssh客户端链接linux可以操作redis 3.linux防火墙已经关闭 4
xingkaistart weblogic10之Failed to initialize the application 'wss-1-1' due to error weblogic. WeblogicJDBC 错误信息:('wss-1-1' 是配置的jndi) <Jan 14, 2011 3:42:09 PM CST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149205> <Failed to initialize the applica