1.添加外键关联实体 1>.添加新的Province及City实体 using (var ctx = new PortalContext()) { var city1 = new City { CityNo = ", CityName = "测试城市1" }; var city2 = new City { CityNo = ", CityName = "测试城市2" }; var province = new Province { Prov
页面报错: 后台错误: Field error in object 'user' on field 'birthday': rejected value [2013-06-24]; codes [typeMismatch.user.birthday,typeMismatch.birthday,typeMismatch.java.util.Date,typeMismatch]; arguments [org.springframework.context.support.DefaultMessag
using (var ctx = new PortalContext()){ var city = ctx.Cities.Find(42); ctx.Entry(city) .Reference(c => c.Province) .Load(); city.Province = null; ctx.SaveChanges();}
EF 默认是开户级联删除的,这此规则将会删除非空外键和多对多的关系,如果 在数据库上下文中的实体模型类 存在着 级联引用和多重删除路径,那么EF就抛出 级联引用和多重删除路径的异常. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.ReviewIndexSystem_dbo.Category_CategoryID' on table 'ReviewIndexSystem' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths.
有时候我们发现接收的是中文,返回却是个?.这确实是个蛋疼的问题,Spring中解析字符串的转换器默认编码居然是ISO-8859-1 /** * Implementation of {@link HttpMessageConverter} that can read and write strings. * * <p>By default, this converter supports all media types ({@code */*}), * and writes with a {@c