--检查已标记为需要删除的临时表select * from T_BAS_TEMPORARYTABLENAME; --所有系统创建的临时表及视图SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name LIKE 'TMP%' -- 查看系统所有表占用的空间情况create table tmpspace (Fname varchar(50),Frows int,Freserved varchar(50), Fdata varchar(50), Findex_size varchar
sql server 中临时表与数据表的区别 1.如何判断临时表和数据表已生成 --如何判断临时表是否已创建--- if exists(select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id=object_id('tempdb..#Temp_Student')) begin print '存在临时表'; end else begin print '不存在临时表'; end --如何判断数据表是否已创建--- if exists(select * from sys.ta
declare @channelid varchar(100) set @channelid='''WH00026'',''WH00083''' declare @sql varchar(1000) if(object_id('tempdb.dbo.#ac') is not null) begin drop table #ac end create table #ac ( channelid varchar(50), pmoney decimal(18,2), ptype tinyint, in
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp select * into #temp from ( --select * from Activity as 'day' union all as 'day' union all as 'day' union all as 'day' union all as 'day' ) as A select * from #temp
Specifying schema for temporary tables 问: I'm used to seeing temporary tables created with just the hash/number symbol, like this: CREATE TABLE #Test ( [Id] INT ) However, I've recently come across stored procedure code that specifies the schema name
临时表 本地临时表 适合开销昂贵 结果集是个非常小的集合 -- Local Temporary Tables IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#MyOrderTotalsByYear') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.#MyOrderTotalsByYear; GO CREATE TABLE #MyOrderTotalsByYear ( orderyear INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, qty INT NOT NULL ); I
这篇博客将介绍如何使用LINQ TO SQL来创建数据库,以及如何映射Table之间的主外键关系. 我们的数据库表关系如下: Province与City之间1:M,City与Area之间1:M的关系. 下面就通过LINQ TO SQL来创建这样的数据库,以Province表为例, Province Table: using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Data.Linq.Mapping; nam
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go -- ============================================= -- Author: hy -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: 后台企业管理 -- [P_V_EffectiveInfo_getTable] '',1,'','','','','','','','','','',-1,'',1,20 -- ====