sql查看所有表大小的方法. 代码: declare @id int ) declare @pages int declare @dbname sysname ,) ,) ,) create table #spt_space ( [objid] int null, [rows] int null, ) null, ) null, ) null, ) null ) set nocount on -- Create a cursor to loop through the user tables d
T-sql 显示表结构和字段信息的sql语句: exec sp_help tablename; ~~使用存储过程 sp_help 显示数据库包含哪些表的sql语句: use yourDBname;select name from sysobjects where xtype='u'; ~~使用系统表 sysobjects 在当前数据库中查询其他数据库的表use shaowu2_2013;select * from ac where acid not in(select acid from sh
本文介绍MySQL查看数据库表容量大小的命令语句,提供完整查询语句及实例,方便大家学习使用. 1.查看所有数据库容量大小 select table_schema as '数据库', sum(table_rows) as '记录数', , )) as '数据容量(MB)', , )) as '索引容量(MB)' from information_schema.tables group by table_schema order by sum(data_length) desc, sum(index
1.查看数据库表数量SELECT count(TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='dbname'; select count(*) tables ,table_schema from information_schema.tables where table_schema='work_ad' group by table_schema;
查看mysql数据库表相关信息如表大小.修改更新等信息,可以通过以下方式: 一 show table status like ’table_name‘ ; 二 在infortmation_schema下有表table ,存储了表相关信息,也可以通过此表来查询. select * from information_schema.table where table_name ='table_name' ;
查看所有表对应的数据量 SELECT a.name AS 表名, MAX(b.rows) AS 记录条数 FROM sys.sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN sys.sysindexes AS b ON a.id = b.id WHERE (a.xtype = 'u') GROUP BY a.name ORDER BY 记录条数 DESC 查看数据库的总数据量 SELECT SUM(记录条数) AS 总记录数 ) a.name AS 表名, MAX(b.rows) AS 记录
--查看所有表的大小 declare @id int ) declare @pages int declare @dbname sysname ,) ,) ,) create table #spt_space ( [objid] int null, [rows] int null, ) null, ) null, ) null, ) null ) set nocount on -- Create a cursor to loop through the user tables declare c
//数据库表存储大小 select table_schema,table_name,table_rows,concat(round(data_length/1024/1024/1024,2),'GB') length from tables where table_schema='ERP' order by table_rows desc; //一台服务器传输到另一台服务器 路径写法 scp /home/table_t_user.sql root@ //