1 sql 查询某字段id为空 select * from 表名 where id is null ; 2 sql 查询某字段id不为空 select * from 表名 where id is not null; 或 select * from 表名 where id <> null; // select * from 表名 where len(id) >1; // (最后两个PL/SQL下验证不正确!) 由于null 为一种状
select COUNT(*) from ( select ID,H1 AS Value from Table_1 union all select ID,H2 from Table_1 union all select ID,H3 from Table_1 union all select ID,H4 from Table_1 union all select ID,H5 from Table_1 ) select COUNT(*) from ( union all union all uni
DECLARE CURSOR temp IS SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME=Upper('xxx'); v_num NUMBER; BEGIN FOR i IN temp LOOP execute immediate 'SELECT Count(*) FROM xxx WHERE '||i.COLUMN_NAME||' IS NOT null' INTO v_num; THEN Dbms_Output.put_l
sql 查询某字段为空 select * from 表名 where 字段名 is null sql 查询某字段不为空 select * from 表名 where 字段名 is not null sql查询字段1为空且字段2不为空的数据 select * from 表名 where 字段名1 is null and 字段名2 is not null
) set @TableName = 'Agency' -- 表名 declare @querySql nvarchar(max) set @querySql = 'select ' ) declare My_Cursor cursor for(select name from syscolumns where id = (select max(id) from sysobjects where xtype = 'u' and name = '' + @TableName + '' ) ) op
) set @TableName = 'Agency' -- 表名 declare @querySql nvarchar(max) set @querySql = 'select ' ) declare My_Cursor cursor for(select name from syscolumns where id = (select max(id) from sysobjects where xtype = 'u' and name = '' + @TableName + '' ) ) op
1秒查原本递归的查询. 适用于:上下级.多层查询 -- Get childs by parent id WITH Tree AS ( SELECT Id,ParentId FROM dbo.Node P WHERE P.Id = -- parent id UNION ALL SELECT C.Id,C.ParentId FROM dbo.Node C INNER JOIN Tree T ON C.ParentId = T.Id ) SELECT * FROM Tree -- Get parent
Thinkphp中查询复杂sql查询表达式,如何表达MYSQL中的某字段不为空is not null?先上两种实现方式的实例:$querys["house_type_image"] = array('NEQ','NULL'); //判断字段不为空//$querys["house_type_image"] = array('exp','is not null');//其中的exp表示MYSQL的表达式查询,支持各种MYSQL语句的添加-----------------
1.查询SQL中的所有表: Select TABLE_NAME FROM "你的数据库名称".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES Where TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' 执行之后,就可以看到数据库中所有属于自己建的表的名称 2.查询SQL中所有表及列: Select dbo.sysobjects.name as Table_name, dbo.syscolumns.name AS Column_name FROM dbo.syscolumns I