一.问题发现 命令行进入数据库实例手动给某张表进行alter操作,发现如下报错. mysql> use xx_xxx; No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection Current database: *** NONE *** Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quic
Mysql复制一条或多条记录并插入表|mysql从某表复制一条记录到另一张表 一.复制表里面的一条记录并插入表里面 ① insert into article(title,keywords,desc,contents) select title,keywords,desc,contents from article where article_id = 100; 二.复制表里的多条数据/记录,并插入到表里面 ① INSERT INTO `power_node`(title,type,
MySQL将一张表的某些列数据,复制到另外一张表 INSERT INTO t_topic_content(content,topicId) SELECT content,id FROM t_topic; 注意:给某一列数据赋值,自增长,那么就不应该插入数据了 MySQL将一张表的某些列数据,复制到另外一张表,并且修改某些内容.方法同上, 只是查询的时候使用REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str) 函数 INSERT INTO t_topic_content(content,t
现有6张表存在关联关系,要删除主表则其他5张表关联数据也要一块删掉(单条sql多id批量删除) delete t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6 FROM rmd_v AS t1 LEFT JOIN rmd_v1 AS t2 ON t1.uuid = t2.rvuuid LEFT JOIN rmd_v2 AS t3 ON t1.uuid = t3.rvuuid LEFT JOIN rmd_v3 AS t4 ON t1.uuid = t4.rvuuid LEFT JOIN rmd_v4 AS t5
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tri_test2] ON [dbo].[student] for INSERT,DELETE,UPDATEAS BEGIN if not exists (select * from deleted) --新增 insert student2(stu_id,stu_name,stu_sex,stu_birthday,class_id) select stu_id,stu_name,stu_sex,stu_birthday,class_id from in
INSERT INTO (1) 如果两张表(导出表和目标表)的字段一致,并且希望插入全部数据,可以用这种方法: INSERT INTO 目标表 SELECT * FROM 来源表 WHERE 条件; 例如,要将 test 表插入到 newTest 表中,则可以通过如下SQL语句实现: INSERT INTO newTest SELECT * FROM test; (2)如果只希望导入指定字段,可以用这种方法: INSERT INTO 目标表(字段1, 字段2, ...)SELECT 字段1, 字
4张表:filter nat mangle raw filter:协议过滤: nat:地址转换,端口映射等: mangle:协议修改 TTL等: raw:This table is used mainly for configuring exemptions from connection tracking in combination with the NOTRACK target. It registers at the netfilter hooks with hig
在oracle数据库中你要在程序里得到一张表的数据就必须先创建游标和SQL Service不一样. --创建游标create or replace package pkg_Dataas type refcursor is REF cursor; procedure pro_rows(refcursor out refcursor);end pkg_Data; --创建存储过程create or replace procedure prc_DataInput(dateStr in varchar2
有两张表A和B,要求往A里面插入一条记录的同时要向B里面也插入一条记录,向B里面插入一条记录的同时也向A插入一条记录.两张表的结构不同,需要将其中几个字段对应起来.可以用下面的触发器实现. 表A的触发器: begin set @disable=1; if @disable=1 and NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tableB where ID=new.ID) then insert into tableB (ID,对应字段1) values(new.ID,new.对应字段1
添加字段:alter table matInformation add facid varchar(99) default ''; 导入数据:update matInformation m set facid=(select facid from material_register v where m.partNumber=v.partNumber);(参考:https://blog.csdn.net/mar_fuck/article/details/79460571) 遇到问题:ERROR