--根据每个部门来统计部门工资总和 select deptid, sum(sal) 工资合计 from emp group by deptid; --根据每个部门来统计部门工资总和select deptid, 工资合计, sum(工资合计) over() as 总合计 from (select deptid, sum(sal) 工资合计 from emp group by deptid) x; select deptid 部门, 工资合计, 总
题目描述 查找排除当前最大.最小salary之后的员工的平均工资avg_salary.CREATE TABLE `salaries` ( `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,`salary` int(11) NOT NULL,`from_date` date NOT NULL,`to_date` date NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`));输出格式: avg_salary 69462.5555555556 SQL: sele
题目描述 统计出当前各个title类型对应的员工当前薪水对应的平均工资.结果给出title以及平均工资avg.CREATE TABLE `salaries` (`emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,`salary` int(11) NOT NULL,`from_date` date NOT NULL,`to_date` date NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`));CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "titl
The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, a salary, and there is also a column for the department Id. +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | Id | Name | Salary | DepartmentId | +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | 1 | Jo
SQL 架构 Create table If Not Exists Employee (Id ), Salary int, DepartmentId int) Create table If Not Exists Department (Id )) Truncate table Employee insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary, DepartmentId) values (') insert into Employee (Id, Name, Sala
创建表:Create table If Not Exists Employee (Id int, Name varchar(255), Salary int, DepartmentId int);Create table If Not Exists Department (Id int, Name varchar(255));Truncate table Employee;insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary,DepartmentId) values ('
故事是这样的….. 故事情节: 表 tb_test 有两列, colA , colB; 求 colA , colB 的并交差集… -- 计算并集 SELECT DISTINCT colB FROM tb_test UNION SELECT DISTINCT colA FROM tb_test -- 计算交集 SELECT DISTINCT colB FROM tb_test INTERSECT SELECT DISTINCT colA FROM tb_test -- 计算差集 SELECT DI
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String queryForScanUsers_SQL = "select a.username AS user_name,b.* from tbl_aaa a left join tbl_bbb b where a.id=? limit 10"; //去除WHERE和LIMIT String sqlRegex = "(select\\s+)(.*)(\\s+