一.SQL子查询语句 1.单行子查询 select ename,deptno,sal from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where loc='NEW YORK'): 2.多行子查询 SELECT ename,job,sal FROM EMP WHERE deptno in ( SELECT deptno FROM dept WHERE dnam
1.独立子查询:顾名思义:就是子查询和外层查询不存在任何联系,是独立于外层查询的: 下面就看一个例子: 有一张订单表 Sales.Order 和一张 客户表 Sales.Customer 下面的sql 语句是为了查询出Sales.Customer里 custid(用户id)不在 Sales.Order 的custid select custid from [Sales.Customers] where custid not in ( select custid from [Sales.Order
sql调优方法: (1)not in子查询优化 尽量避免子查询select * from a where id not in(select id from b); select * from a where not exists(select id from b WHERE id ='100') 建议使用表连接: select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id WHERE b.id='100'
在列中进行子查询 1.在一个表中有多个员工ID,比如一个下单员工,一个修改订单的员工,可以使用在列中进行子查询,具体如下: ( SELECT staff_name FROM sp_staff_basic WHERE sp_staff_basic.id = qc_return_progress_record.created_by ) returnProcessName, LEFT JOIN sp_staff_basic ON sp_staff_basic.id = qc_returnrervice
子查询 描述:查询订单数超过5的顾客信息 查询句法: var 子查询 = from c in ctx.Customers where (from o in ctx.Orders group o by o.CustomerID into o where o.Count() > 5 select o.Key).Contains(c.CustomerID) select c; in 操作 描述:查询指定城市中的客户 查询句法: var in操作 = from c in ctx.Customers wh
第一个查询的结果集 select * from( select c.msName,a.msId,c.msPrice, c.msPrice*COUNT(a.msId) as totalMoney,sum(a.msAmount) as totalCount from BillConsume a right join ( msTime order by msTime asc) b on a.msTime between b.startTime and b.endTime and a.msId!= le
$model=M(''); $model->table(C('DB_PREFIX').'goods as g') ->join(C('DB_PREFIX').'orders as o on o.goods_id=g.id') ->where('o.user_id='.$userid.' and o.state=1 and o.id not in(select c.order_id from '.C('DB_PREFIX').'comment as c where c.user_id='.
表结构: 需求 思路: 求出平均数 select avg(user_total) as avg from user_level 更新他的等级 update user_level set user_rank= xxx where user_total >= 平均数 when case 表达式: case when 表达式 then表达式 else 表达式 end select *, case user_total then '消费正好满100的用户' else '其他' end from user
问: I have a MySQL query and I ran it working fine but same query showing error in SQL Server. SQL Server query: SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM (SELECT DISTINCT tc_id, MAX(exn_time), STATUS FROM release_details a, tc_details b WHERE a.project = b.project AN