SQL Server 默认跟踪 -- 捕获事件详解 哪些具体事件默认跟踪文件能够捕获到? --returns full list of events SELECT * FROM sys.trace_events --returns a full list of categories SELECT * FROM sys.trace_categories --returns a full list of subclass values SELECT * FROM sys.trace_subclass
--1.取得数据库所有表的默认值: select t3.name as 表名,t1.name as 字段名,t2.text as 默认值 ,t4.name from syscolumns t1,syscomments t2,sysobjects t3 ,sysobjects t4 where t1.cdefault=t2.id and t3.xtype='u' and t3.id=t1.id and t4.xtype='d' and t4.id=t2.id; --取得数据库中已有默认值的脚本 s
sqlserver默认端口号为:1433URL:"jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=dbname"DRIVERNAME:"com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"; mysql 默认端口号为:3306URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?user=root&password=&useUnic