问: In SQL Server , I got this error -> "There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'BookTitle' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_BookCopy_Title__2F10007B'." I first created a relation called the
SELECT oSub.name AS [子表名称] , fk.name AS [外键名称] , SubCol.name AS [子表列名] , oMain.name AS [主表名称] , MainCol.name AS [主表列名] FROM sys.foreign_keys fk JOIN sys.all_objects oSub ON ( fk.parent_object_id = oSub.object_id ) JOIN sys.all_objects oMain ON ( fk.r
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by a.yngrbsh order by a.SFRQ desc ) RN, c.' and a.LSH not in(select SFLSH from JB_NCZ_GW_ZZD b) 在结果中根据yngrbsh进行分组,然后可以取出RN等于1的数据.
Sql Server: What is the benefit of using “Enforce foreign key constraint” when it's set to “NO”? 问 I know the purpose of "Enforce foreign key constraint" in RDBMS. But is there any benefit when it's set to "NO" ? 答 In normal production
最近公司项目要升级新版本,涉及到数据库升级中各种约束.亦是整理出如下脚本方便以后查询. --删除全文索引 DECLARE c0 cursor for SELECT'DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON '+tab.name+';'FROM sys.fulltext_indexes idx JOIN sys.tables tab ON (idx.object_id = tab.object_id);open c0declare @c0 varchar(8000)fetch next fro
主键约束 SELECT tab.name AS [表名], idx.name AS [主键名称], col.name AS [主键列名] FROM sys.indexes idx JOIN sys.index_columns idxCol ON (idx.object_id = idxCol.object_id AND idx.index_id = idxCol.index_id AND idx.is_primary_k
从网上找到了下面一段代码: declare @Pk varchar(100);select @Pk=Name from sysobjects where Parent_Obj=OBJECT_ID('表名') and xtype='PK';if @Pk is not nullbegin exec('Alter table 表名 Drop '+ @Pk) --删除原主键end 这里的重点是表sysobjects,sysobjects表是系统表,在数据库内创建的每个对象(约束.默认值.日志.规则.存储