--查询表或数据库中的所有外键 select A.name as 约束名, object_name(b.parent_object_id) as 外健表, c.name as 外键列, object_name(b.referenced_object_id) as 主健表, D.name as 主键列 from sys.foreign_keys A inner join sys.foreign_key_columns B on A.object_id=b.constraint_object_id
问: In SQL Server , I got this error -> "There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'BookTitle' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_BookCopy_Title__2F10007B'." I first created a relation called the
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by a.yngrbsh order by a.SFRQ desc ) RN, c.' and a.LSH not in(select SFLSH from JB_NCZ_GW_ZZD b) 在结果中根据yngrbsh进行分组,然后可以取出RN等于1的数据.
如题,关联外键的时候,报错类型匹配.但是两个 类型都是int sql 如下: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `alert_receiver_map` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, `alert_id` INT NOT NULL, `receiver_id` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`alert_id`) REFERENCES alert_conditions
一.ForeignKey @property装饰器的作用是返回一个属性特性,在数据库中也有一些小技巧可以拿来用,比如今天要写的外键查询和反向查询的内容. from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20, verbose_name='姓名') age = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name='年龄') te
最近公司项目要升级新版本,涉及到数据库升级中各种约束.亦是整理出如下脚本方便以后查询. --删除全文索引 DECLARE c0 cursor for SELECT'DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON '+tab.name+';'FROM sys.fulltext_indexes idx JOIN sys.tables tab ON (idx.object_id = tab.object_id);open c0declare @c0 varchar(8000)fetch next fro