一.外连接 1.左连接 left join 或 left outer join SQL语句:select * from student left join score on student.Num=score.Stu_id; 2.右连接 right join 或 right outer join SQL语句:select * from student right join score on student.Num=score.Stu_id; 3.完全外连接 full join 或 full
exists的用法 select *from haha where exists (select *from bumen where bumen.code = haha.bumen and bumen.name = '销售部' )and age>35 (运行方法为逐条查询) select name,sex,age,(select name from bumen where bumen.code = haha.bumen)as 部门 from haha select name,sex,age,(s
表连接 1.select * from student,score --笛卡尔积 2.两个表的连接: 法1:select student.sno, sname, degree from student,score ----当查询的列名两个表中都有时要在列名前面加上'表名.' where student.sno=score.sno 法2:select cno, (select sname from student where student.sno=score.sno),degree from
create table A( id ,) Not null primary key, name ) not null default(''), ) INSERT INTO [A]([name]) VALUES('a') INSERT INTO [A]([name]) VALUES('b') INSERT INTO [A]([name]) VALUES('c') INSERT INTO [A]([name]) VALUES('d') INSERT INTO [A]([name]) VALUES(
一直以来认为exists比in效率高的说法是不准确的.如果查询的两个表大小相当,那么用in和exists差别不大.如果两个表中一个较小,一个是大表,则子查询表大的用exists,子查询表小的用in:例如:表A(小表),表B(大表)1:select * from A where cc in (select cc from B)效率低,用到了A表上cc列的索引:select * from A where exists(select cc from B where cc=A.cc)效率高,用到了B表上
转:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/4000344.html JlrInfodt和dtsource是两个datatable,通过[姓名]和[lqry]进行关联 var query1 = from rJlrInfodt in JlrInfodt.AsEnumerable() from rdtsource in dtsource.AsEnumerable() where rJlrInfodt.Field<String>("姓名") == r
select sum(a1.`num`) from `order_orderlistrow` as a1 INNER JOIN `order_orderlist` as a2 on a1.`order_orderlist_id` = a2.`id` where a1.`goods_good_id` ='54' and a2.`state` <> '0'
每天给自己扫盲,让自己变得越博学. 继续学习<程序员的SQL金典>,这回我们来看看表连接相关的内容.表连接的相关知识在实际的项目开发当中,使用非常广. 所谓表连接,就是通过关联多张表,从而检索出需要的数据.实际的项目,存在多张表的关联关系.不可能在一张表里面就能检索出所有数据.如果没有表连接的话,那么我们就需要非常多的操作.比如需要从A表找出限制性的条件来从B表中检索数据.不但需要分多表来操作,而且效率也不高.比如书中的例子: SELECT FId FROM T_Customer WHERE