安装教程:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/3a2f7c2e653d5926afd61197.html 安装好之后打开SQL server 2014 Management Studio ,可以采用Windows身份验证也可以采用SQL server身份验证,但是在我们点击连接时经常出现连接失败的提醒.下面给出一个可以解决大多数不能连接数据库的方法: (1)在Microsoft SQL server 2014 的安装文件中可以找到 SQL server 2014配置
一.htop 简介 This is htop, an interactive process viewer for Linux. It is a text-mode application (for console or X terminals) and requires ncurses. Comparison between htop and top In 'htop' you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all