问 Scenario: We have a DataGridView which is attached to DataAdapter (datatable), we load the data in datatable using (adapter.fill(query, datatable)) in a separate thread (using delegate and beginInvoke) and once the data is loaded we attached that d
利用SqlDataAdapter进行记录分页 说到分页,很多地方都会用到,不管是windows程序还是web程序,为什么要进行分页?很简单,如果BlueIdea BBS帖子列表不分页的话,几十万条记录,可想而知....... 分页有几种方法,可以用存储过程进行分页,将要显示的记录写入一个临时表中,再从临时表中取出这些记录,取出的记录呢,也就是当前页的记录了.我这里谈到的,是利用SqlDataAdapter Fill方法的重载,进行分页 public int Fill ( DataSet d
1. Does SqlCommand.Dispose close the connection? 问 Can I use this approach efficiently? using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetSomething", new SqlConnection(Config.ConnectionString)) { cmd.Connection.Open(); // set up parameters and CommandTy