hbase表定义指令详细解说篇 1. alter, alter_async, alter_status 2. create 3. describe (可以简写成'desc') 显示某张表的结构情况 hbase(main)::> help 'describe' Describe the named table. For example: hbase> describe 't1' hbase> describe 'ns1:t1' Alternatively, you can use the
从Salesforce官网可以了解到Salesforce的force.com平台里数据库表的设计:https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Multi_Tenant_Architecture Every logical database object that Force.com exposes is internally managed using metadata. Objects, (tables in traditional relational dat
方法 1. show create table table_name;可以用这个看表的代码. show create table Strings; 方法 2. show full columns from table_name; show full columns from Strings; 方法 3. show columns from table_name; show columns from Strings; 方法 4. describe table_name;