经常写存储过程,但今天在游标使用过程中还是疏忽了一些事情,执行过程中一直执行不下去,后来直接sqlserver挂了,教训啊! 代码虽简单,望铭记: Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[temphxb] AS BEGIN declare @uid int declare mycursortemp Cursor open mycursortemp fetch next from mycursortemp into @uid begin delete from temptable1 whe
用 游标(Cursor) + While循环 的方法, 对Customers表中的CompanyName列进行遍历 ) declare pcurr cursor for select distinct companyname from customers open pcurr fetch next from pcurr into @customer ) begin print (@customer) fetch next from pcurr into @customer end close p
引用地址:http://www.alixixi.com/program/a/2008050727634.shtml 本例在VS2005+Oracle 92010 + WindowsXp Sp2测试通过 1.创建一个游标变量,为返回值使用create or replace package types as type cursorType is ref cursor;end; 2.创建函数(或者存储过程)create or replace function testpro return typ
在sqlplus中建立如下的内容: 1.程序包 SQL> create or replace package types 2 as 3 type cursorType is ref cursor; 4 end; 5 / 程序包已创建. 2.函数SQL> create or replace function sp_ListEmp return types.cursortype 2 as 3 l_cursor types.cursorType; 4
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_DeleteStretchData] ) , ) AS BEGIN ) ) declare @stretch_cursor cursor -- 声明游标变量 select @BeamId=BeamId from Beam_Info where BridgeName = ltrim(rtrim(@BridgeName)) and BeamNumber = ltrim(rtrim(@BeamNo)) set @stretch_cursor=curso
一定要自己试过才知道么? 你也没试过吃屎,你怎么知道屎不能吃,难道你试过啊...(没有愤怒的意思) ),),) declare cursor_data CURSOR FOR SELECT [UserName],[Email],[LastLoginIP] FROM [dbo].[Users] --数据源 open cursor_data fetch from cursor_data into @name,@email,@LastLoginIP --遍历一行值 begin print @name -
首先看一下数据结构表 IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tProduct')IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #tProduct SELECT * INTO #tProduct FROM( AS ProductID,'aaa'AS ProductName UNION AS ProductID,'bbb'AS ProductName UNION AS ProductID,'ccc'AS ProductName UNION AS ProductID,'xxx'AS Prod
if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo.test_cursor') and type = 'P') drop PROCEDURE dbo.test_cursor GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE test_cursor AS Declare @acctNbr varchar(); Declare @acctNa