1.查询包含某字段的所有表 select object_name(id) objName,Name as colName from syscolumns where (name like'%你要查询的字段名%') and id in(select id from sysobjects where xtype='u') order by objname ; 2.查询包含某字段的所有存储过程 SELECT obj.Name 存储过程名, sc.TEXT 存储过程内容 FROM syscomments
查询出所有未写说明的字段: SELECT IC.table_name TableName, ColName=C.name, PFD.[value] FROM sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.objects O ON C.[object_id]=O.[object_id] AND O.type='U' AND O.is_ms_shipped=0 inner join information_schema.columns IC on ic.COLUMN_NAME = c.n
public List<Location> getLocationList(int companyid, string searchValue, string searchField){... var dbLocList = from x in _dbLocList where x.company_id == companyid and x的searchField==searc
1 sql 查询某字段id为空 select * from 表名 where id is null ; 2 sql 查询某字段id不为空 select * from 表名 where id is not null; 或 select * from 表名 where id <> null; // select * from 表名 where len(id) >1; // (最后两个PL/SQL下验证不正确!) 由于null 为一种状
原文:sqlserver查询所有表的行数的sql语句 select object_name(id),rowcnt from sysindexes where indid<2 and objectproperty(id,'ismsshipped')=0 order by rowcnt desc select a.name, b.rows from sysobjects a inner join sysindexes b on a.id = b.id where a.type = 'u' and b