SQL Server为字段添加默认值 if not exists ( select * from sys.columns as c join sys.objects as o on c.default_object_id = o.[object_id] where c.[object_id] = object_id('DriverTable') and c.name = 'DriverVan' ) begin alter table DriverTable add default(0) for
原文:批量修改Ms SqlServer 的default(默认值) --1.取得数据库所有表的默认值: select t3.name as 表名,t1.name as 字段名,t2.text as 默认值 ,t4.name from syscolumns t1,syscomments t2,sysobjects t3 ,sysobjects t4 where t1.cdefault=t2.id and t3.xtype='u' and t3.id=t1.id and t4.xtype='d' a
legend2---数据字段没有默认值错误:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'h_21_injury_limit' doesn't have a default value 一.总结 一句话总结: 1.设置了不为null并不代表设置了默认值 2.在数据表中设置一下默认值就好了 1.SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'h_21_injury_limit' doesn't have a defa