.判断数据表是否存在 方法一: use yourdb; go if object_id(N'tablename',N'U') is not null print '存在' else print '不存在' 例如: use fireweb; go if object_id(N'TEMP_TBL',N'U') is not null print '存在' else print '不存在' 方法二: USE [实例名] GO ) PRINT '存在' ELSE PRINT'不存在' 例如: use f
原文:sqlserver查询所有表的行数的sql语句 select object_name(id),rowcnt from sysindexes where indid<2 and objectproperty(id,'ismsshipped')=0 order by rowcnt desc select a.name, b.rows from sysobjects a inner join sysindexes b on a.id = b.id where a.type = 'u' and b
sqlServer 数据库纵横表相互转化 一.纵表转横表: 1.纵表: 2.横表: 3. 代码: select Name as '姓名', end) as '语文', end) as '数学', end) as '英语' from Score group by Name 二.横表转纵表: 1.横表: 2.竖表: 3.代码: select * from( select Name as '姓名','语文' as '语文',Chinise as '分数' from Score1 union all
SqlServer获取所有数据库,表,表结构 --获取所有数据库 SELECT * FROM Master..SysDatabases ORDER BY Name --获取test数据库下所有表 use test SELECT name FROM SysObjects Where XType='U' ORDER BY Name --获取test数据库下所有表结构信息 use test then d.name else null end) 表名, a.colorder 字段序号,a.name 字段
使用SqlServer 2015的过程中,会出现如下情况: 在修改完表字段名或是类型后点击保存时会弹出一个对话框,且无法保存已做的修改.对话框内容大致如下: Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can't be