Like a tratitional database, sqlserver not only could resotre full database but also do restore one part of it. There are two important base physical file in sqlserver: Primary group and others group. Any situation, we must restore primary group at l
昨天遇到一个案例,YourSQLDba做事务日志备份时失败,检查YourSQLDba输出的错误信息如下: <Exec> <ctx>yMaint.backups</ctx> <Sql> backup log [gewem] to disk = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2016-11-22_01h11m05_Tue]_logs.TRN' with noInit, checksum, name = 'YourSQLDba:16
前言:MySQL进行主主复制或主从复制的时候会在配置文件制定的目录下面产生相应的relay log,本文档总结这些相关参数的定义及解释. 1.什么是relay log The relay log, like the binary log, consists of a set of numbered files containing events that describe database changes, and an index file that contains the names of
编辑数据目录中的postgresql.conf参数文件,我的数据目录是/usr/local/pgsql/data vi postgresql.conf 找到如下内容: ... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ERROR REPORTING AND LOGGING#-----------------------------------------------------
创建 use StudentManager go if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='usp_ScoreQuery4') drop procedure usp_ScoreQuery4 go create procedure usp_ScoreQuery4 --创建带参数的存储过程 @AbsentCount int output,--缺考总人数 @FailedCount int output,--不及格总人数 , as select Stu