从SVN导出一个Maven项目,pom.xml首行报错: Failure to transfer org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.20 from http://maven.oschina.net/content/groups/public/ was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of
创建了一个maven项目,报错 Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on project 'BCPS'. Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6 or one of its dependencies could not be res
tomcat maven插件启动报错tomcat-users.xml cannot be read [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:tomcat-maven-plugin:1.1:run (default-cli) on project metaDB: Could not start Tomcat: Memory database file D:\WORK\target\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml c