laravel中怎么实现下面的SQL select sum('profit'),sum('order_count') from pro where......; 参考 self::where('id', $id)->first( array( \DB::raw('SUM(profit) as profit'), \DB::raw('SUM(order_count) as order_count') ) )->toArray();
update更新两个字段时的sql语句: update tj_record set is_recycle_reprint_guide='1' , recycle__guide_date=now() where id = #{record_id} 科室假设我将字段的"."写成了and也不报错.可是更新不了. 如图: 切记,更新多个字段时是以逗号分隔.
oracle中,如何将两个字段数据合并成一个字段显示,接下来看一下在sql server和pl/sql的区别 sql server中如何合并(用Cast()函数) --1.创建模拟的数据表--- create table GoodsCate( Mid int not null, Code ) not null, Name ) not null, ) --2.添加模拟数据-- ,','电子仪器') ,','激光仪器') ,','扫描仪器') --3.未合并的结果-- select * from G
问题:用一条sql来替换两个字段的内容 表内容: 待优化sql: update student set name=CONCAT(name,dname),dname=SUBSTR(name FROM 1 for INSTR(name,dname)-1),name=REPLACE(`name`,dname,'') 结果: 如有问题,欢迎评论
1. Two Sum 两数之和 Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. Example: Given nums
excepInfo: select id,describe from iwebshop_student_problem where id=256 order by id desc -- You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'describe from iwebshop