subclass: subclass is a class that extends another class. 即子类. In ES2015, to use 'this' in subclasses, we first must call super(). Why 'this' can not be allowed before super()? Because 'this' is uninitialized if super() is not called. ES6 class const
编写程序:说明 this.super 和 super()的用法.程序首先定义 Point(点)类,然后创建点的子类 Line(线)),最后通过 LX7_3 类输出线段的长度. package Pack1; public class Try2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Line line = new Line(50, 50); System.out.println("\
Python | super() function with multilevel inheritance - GeeksforGeeks class GFG1: def __int__(self): print('GFG1 init') def sub_GFG(self, b): print('GFG1:', b) class GFG
1. 子类的构造函数如果要引用super的话,必须把super放在函数的首位. class Base { Base() { System.out.println("Base"); } } public class Checket extends Base { Checket() { super();//调用父类的构造方法,一定要放在方法的首个语句 System.out.println("Checket"); } public static void main(Str
this关键字 this 关键字用来表示当前对象本身,或当前类的一个实例,通过 this 可以调用本对象的所有方法和属性. public class Demo{ public int x = 10; public int y = 15; public void sum(){ // 通过 this 点取成员变量 int z = this.x + this.y; System.out.println("x + y = " + z); } public static void main(St