OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface Abstract. OpenCASCADE linear extrusion surface is a generalized cylinder. Such a surface is obtained by sweeping a curve (called the “extruded curve” or “basis”) in a given direction (referred to as
Visualize Surface by Delaunay Triangulator Abstract. Delaunay Triangulation is the core algorithm for mesh generation. By Delaunay Triangulator you can make a general method to visualize geometry surfaces, so does OpenCascade. The paper
什么是Surface? android API的解释是:Handle onto a raw buffer that is being managed by the screen compositor Surface对应了一块屏幕的缓冲区,每一个window对应一个Surface,任何View都是画在Surface上的,传统的view共享一块屏幕缓冲区,所有的绘制都必须在UI线程上进行. 什么是SurfaceView SurfaceView的API中文翻译: SurfaceView是视图(View
转载请包含网址: 一.Surface Surface就是“表面”的意思.在SDK的文档中,对Surface的描述是这样 的:“Handle onto a raw buffer that is being managed by the screen compositor”,翻译成中文就是“由屏幕显示内容合成器(screen compositor)所管理的原生缓冲器的句柄”,这句话包括下面两
Surface Normal Vector in OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:表面上某一点的法向量(Normal Vector)指的是在该点处与表面垂直的方向.对于平面,其上各点的法向是一样的,统一为这个平面的法向.对于曲面,各点具有不同的法向量.几何对象的法向量定义了它在空间中的方向,法向量是在进行光照处理时的重要参数.所以在显示造型算法离散曲面后的网格时,设置正确的法向量对场景的光照.光线追踪效果有直接影响.本文结合OpenCascade中代码,