It is in fact possible to listen to the “expired” type keyevent notification using a subscribed client to the specific channel and listening to its message event. 通过 subscribe client 可以监听 __keyevent@db__:expired 频道来接收过期的事件. const redis = require('red
talk is cheap, show me the code. 一.开启Redis key过期提醒 方式二:修改配置文件 redis.conf # 默认 notify-keyspace-events "" notify-keyspace-events Ex 方式二:命令行开启 CONFIG SET notify-keyspace-events Ex CONFIG GET notify-keyspace-events 二.notify-keyspace-events notify-ke
今天测试swoole写webserver实现多端口监听.记录下爬过的坑:关于tcp协议监听触发不到receive!!!!! 首先上服务端代码 class Http { /** * 服务实例 * @var Server */ protected $server; public function run(){ $setting = Config::get('http'); /*开启监听*/ $this->server = new Server($setting['host'],$setting['p 通常在网上买好物品,或者说手机扫码后,点击付款,这时就会向后台发送请求,生成订单信息,以及够买商品的信息存入到数据库对应的表比如:订单表和商品销售表,或者还有物流信息表等.简单起见,就拿扫码购物来说,这里就不需要物流信息表了,只需要订单表,商品销售表,而且一次只能买一个商品,对应生成一个订单. 注:这里用到的是spring data +redis,也用到了spring data
今天在安装filebeat的时候,出现了关于redis报错的问题,所以来总结一下: 报错信息是: (error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled, no bind address was specified, no authentication password is requested to clients. In this mode connections are only