public class BitSet1 implements Cloneable, { // >>>左边补0, << 右边补0. public final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6; public final static int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;//2^6=64 public static final
定义二进制变量: 一般是以八进制或者十六进制来定义,八进制数以0开头,十六进制数以0x开头 例如int a = 0x80, 这里的80只能表示8个二进制位,它表示的是int的低8位,前面的24个二进制位补0,所以a = 128:也可以 a = –0x80, 此时a = -128:8进制同理 需要注意的是:如果0x-能够在整形内表示,则其默认是int,否则再看unsigned int能否表示,接着long long ,再接着unsigned long long (可以用cout<<typeid
如何准备: Bit manipulation can be a scary thing to many candidates, but it doesn't need to be! If you're shaky on bit manipulation, we recommend doing a couple of arithmetic-like problems to boost your skills Compute the following by hand: 1010 - 0001 10
暑期实习两个月的其中一个任务是:如何在设计中加入断言?以及断言的基本语法.三种应用场景下的断言(如FIFO.FSM.AXI4-lite总线).参考书籍:<System Verilog Assertion 应用指南> 一.SVA介绍 1.1断言的定义 An assertion is a statement that a given property is required to be true, and a directive to verification tools to verify th