在共享API TMDB中申请时,一只报错Application summary please elaborate on how you plan to use our API,我是用汉字描述的,开始以为写的少了,,后来不是这么回事啊,丫的直接把问题报错放在上边呢,可以了:应该室友一下关键词我没有呗读取出来吧
最近研究内存关系数据库的设计与实现,下面一篇为berkeley db原始两位作为的Berkeley DB设计回忆录: Conway's Law states that a design reflects the structure of the organization that produced it. Stretching that a bit, we might anticipate that a software artifact designed and initially produ
http://mysql.rjweb.org/bestof.html I have tagged many of the better forum threads. 'Better' is based on how good I thing the answer was. (<bias> I wrote many, but not all, of the better answers. </bias>) -- Rick James, MySQL Geek The Best of t
Use ALTER DATABASE to Move Databases Follow Our Daily Tips •facebook.com/TechNetTips• twitter.com/TechNetTips• blogs.technet.com/tnmag• TechNet Tips library You can use the ALTER DATABASE statement to move any system or user-defined database files ex
My favorite way is to pipe a sqldump command to a sql command. You can do all databases or a specific one. So, for instance, mysqldump -uuser -ppassword myDatabase | mysql -hremoteserver -uremoteuser -premoteserverpassword You can do all databases wi
Copy Status Description Mounted The active copy is online and accepting client connections. Only the active copy of the mailbox database copy can have a copy status of Mounted. Mounting The active copy is coming online and not yet accepting client co
Link: http://www.essentialsql.com/what-is-a-database-trigger/ Copy... What is a Database Trigger? A database trigger is special stored procedure that is run when specific actions occur within a database. Most triggers are defined to run when changes
CREATE DATABASE [EFCore_dbfirst] GO USE [EFCore_dbfirst] GO CREATE TABLE [Blog] ( [BlogId] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [Url] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Blog] PRIMARY KEY ([BlogId]) ); GO CREATE TABLE [Post] ( [PostId] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [B
RESTORE DATABASE [db1] FROM DISK = N'E:\Backup\db2.bak' , MOVE N'db1_Data' TO N'D:\Data\db2.MDF', MOVE N'db2_Log' TO N'E:\Logs\db2.LDF', STANDBY = N'E:\Standby\ROLLBACK_UNDO_db2.BAK', NOUNLOAD, STATS GO 指定一个允许撤消恢复效果的备用文件. STANDBY 选项可以用于脱机还原(包括部分还原),
https://gigaom.com/2011/12/06/facebook-shares-some-secrets-on-making-mysql-scale/ Facebook shares some secrets on making MySQL scale Derrick Harris Dec 6, 2011 - 1:00 PM CST When you're storing every transaction for 800 million users and handling mor
今天恢复一个SQLServer2008R2,发现问题,然后通过园友的文章解决了问题,特记录备用 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/adandelion/archive/2006/09/30/519534.html 今天在sqlServer20005 的management studio里使用bak文件还原数据库的时候,总是失败! Restore failed for Server 'ADANDELI'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) An