[toc]启动错误 does not exist or is not a readable directory 问题:tomcat启动报错:does not exist or is not a readable directory 原因:由于个人配置问题,tomcat的项目目录下(webapps)找不到相应的项目根路径, 如果在eclipse里面修改过:右键项目-properties-web project settings-contexts root,此处是修改项目访问的根路径, 做过如上修改
1,场景说明: 偶然碰见Tomcat启动报错,此时并没有Add任何Web项目: Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost-config. The configuration may be corrupt or incomplete. 2,解决方案: 重新添加Servers:Window-->Show View-->Servers,选中Servers右键--
tomcat启动报错后显示以下错误 ## There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1297136 bytes for Chunk::new# An error report file with more information is saved as:# D:\apache-tom
在eclipse集成tomcat开发java web项目时,引入的外部jar包,编译通过,但启动tomcat运行web时提示找不到jar包内的类,需要作如下配置,将jar包在部署到集成的tomcat环境中. 问题:在 web应用 右键->Run as -> Run on Server情况下,会找不到Java Resources下Libraries的jar,应该是eclipse工程在发布到tomcat时并未将lib内jar包发布过去: 解决:右键web应用,选择Properties->de