--Top获取前几条数据,一般都与Order By连用 SELECT TOP 3 * FROM dbo.MyStudent --查询Student表中前3条所有的数据 SELECT TOP 3 S_Name, S_Gender, S_Address, S_Age FROM dbo.MyStudent--查询Student表中前3条部分的数据 SELECT TOP 3 PERCENT * FROM dbo.MyStudent--查询Student表中,前面3%的数据,所有的小数是进位的 --Ord
注意 :|,: 是特殊符号,要用 "\\|", "\\;"来表示. 一行转多行 usertags 里面有很多项,每项之间以逗号分隔 create table tag_count2 as select tag,count(gid) from ( select gid,tag from (select b.gid ,b.usertags from zhangb.gid_tags b group by b.gid,b.usertags) a lateral v
1.in 不支持子查询 eg. select * from src where key in(select key from test); 支持查询个数 eg. select * from src where key in(1,2,3,4,5); in 40000个 耗时25.766秒 in 80000个 耗时78.827秒 2.union all/union 不支持顶层的union all eg. select key from src UNION ALL select key from te
1. Hive是什么 1) Hive是什么? 这里引用 Hive wiki 上的介绍: Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop. It provides tools to enable easy data ETL, a mechanism to put structures on the data, and the capability to querying and analysis of large da
(1)in 不支持子查询 eg. select * from src where key in(select key from test);支持查询个数 eg. select * from src where key in(1,2,3,4,5);in 40000个 耗时25.766秒in 80000个 耗时78.827(2).union all/union不支持顶层的union all eg. select key from src UNION ALL select key from test;