A torch.Tensor is a multi-dimensional matrix containing elements of a single data type. 张量(torch.Tensor)是包含单个数据类型元素的多维矩阵. 1.张量定义了如下八种CPU张量类型和八种GPU张量类型: #CPU对应八种数据类型,GPU对应也有八种数据类型,如torch.cuda.FloatTensor([]) torch.FloatTensor([]) torch.DoubleTensor([]
返回具有相同数据但大小不同的新张量.返回的张量共享相同的数据,必须具有相同数量的元素,但可能有不同的大小. Example >>> x = torch.randn(4, 4) >>> x.size() torch.Size([4, 4]) >>> y = x.view(16) >>> y.size() torch.Size([16]) >>> z = x.view(-1, 8) # the size -1 is in
torch.narrow(input, dim, start, length) → Tensor Returns a new tensor that is a narrowed version of input tensor. The dimension dim is input from start to start +length. The returned tensor and input tensor share the same underlying storage. Paramete