Build:No inputs were found in config file '/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["**/*"]' and 'exclude' paths were '["../wwwroot/app","node_modules/*"]' 解决方案,其实只要在 include目录中,任意新增一个ts文件即可通过编译. tsconfig.json 如下: {
在编译ionic项目的时候出现:Error:The "tsconfig.json" file must have compilerOptions.sourceMap set to true. 如下: 解决此问题首先我们要弄清楚这个文件的作用:tsconfig.json文件用来指定编译项目所需的根文件和编译器选项. 详细的编译选项参见: 解决办法就是修改tsc
For example, inside you component you want to import a file from two up directory: import store from '../../store' This becomes a little bit problematic because the component can be really nested. To solve this problem, we can define "paths" in