ubuntu 安装 tar.gz 文件 本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/caloriesung/article/details/81536144 tar zxvf FileName.tar.gz cd FileName ./configure make sudo make install
转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/lanxuezaipiao/article/details/21896579 我以下面三个包为例:(三个包都在/etc/opt下) A. example-1.2.3-1.rpm B. example-1.2.3-1.tar C. example-1.2.3-1.tar.gz 1. 安装rpm包 说起RPM(REDHAT Package Management)标准的软件包,大家可能都会想起大名鼎鼎的 REDHAT 公司,正是RPM软件包发行方式的
一.To install Adobe Reader 9.1 using a tarball installer 1. Open a terminal window. 2. Change directory (using the cd command) to the directory that contains the tarball archive. 3.Run following command # bunzip2 AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.tar.bz2 #