进入终端 键入 pkexec visudo 修改sudoer.temp 实例如下 ## This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.## Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of# directly modifying this file.## See the man page for details on how to write
pkexec visudo askubuntu原回答摘抄如下 On a modern Ubuntu system (and many other GNU/Linux distributions), fixing a corrupted sudoers file is actually quite easy, and doesn't require rebooting, using a live CD, or physical access to the machine. To do this v
ubuntu 下普通用户用 sudo 执行命令时报 "xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported" 错误,解决方法是在 /etc/sudoers 文件里给该用户添加权限.操作过程如下: 1. 切换到 root 用户下 2. /etc/sudoers 文件默认是只读的,对 root 来说也是,因此需先添加 sudoers 文件的写权限,命令是: chmod u+w /etc/sudoers 3. 编辑 sud
提示错误信息 www@iZ236j3sofdZ:~$ ifconfig Command 'ifconfig' is available in '/sbin/ifconfig' The command could not be located because '/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. This is most likely caused by the lack of administrative privil
跟据报错判断,ubuntu没有sudo权限,经过查询需要将ubuntu账户加入/etc/sudoers中 先切换到root权限 su 输入密码 修改/etc/sudoers配置 vim /etc/sudoers 添加帐号 # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL ubuntu ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
练习安装odoo的时候,创建了一个odoo用户,想把它赋予sudo权限,然而,编辑的时候不留意,改坏了,导致sudo无法使用,无法编辑sudoers文件修改回来. 总提示如下信息: >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 22 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 22 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo