问题1:Ubuntu18.4下安装VMware Tools 一直提示 “what is the location of the ifconfig program on your manchine”. 解决办法: 首先使用sudo apt-get update命令,更新软件列表,如下: 2.使用sudo apt-get install net-tools命令,安装网络接口管理工具,如下图: 3.重新安装VMware Tools工具,如下图: 4.安装之后会提示重启虚拟机,重启即可,如下图: 问题
一.首先是安装VMWare tools 安装过程可参考:Installing VMware Tools in an Ubuntu virtual machine 安装成功后,可看的如下信息: ######################### The configuration of VMware Tools 9.6.2 build-1688356 for Linux for this running kernel completed successfully. You must res
http://blog.csdn.net/bobbat/article/details/38568885 安装VMware Tools,解决无法找到kernel header path的问题 安装 VMware Tools,运行vmware-config-tools.pl 时,总是提示 The path "" is not valid. What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your run
在虚拟机vmware 8.0里安装了ubuntu 13.04.为了方便与主机交互,安装vmware tools. 解压后直接运行 ./vmware-install.pl 一路默认路径安装下来,到"Searching for a valid kernel header path... [YES]后输入kernel header的路径,就会提示:The path "xxx" is not a valid path to the 3.8.0-19-generic kernel he