def remove_js_css (content): """ remove the the javascript and the stylesheet and the comment content (<script>....</script> and <style>....</style> <!-- xxx -->) """ r = re.compile(r'''<scrip
昨天向数据库中导入Excel数据时 由于空行 总是报错!下面附上两种去除空行的方法! 方法一.某行某列值为空时 DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; dv.RowFilter = "F1<>'' or F1 is not null";//F1为列名 System.Data.DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(); 方法二.整行为空时 protected voi
读取文件cdays−4-test.txt 内容,去除空行和注释行后,以行为单位进行排序,并将结果输出为cdays−4-result.txt. cdays−4-test.txt的内容 #some words Sometimes in life, You find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't s
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