数据库在连接两张或以上的表来返回数据时,都会生成一张中间的临时表,然后再将临时表返回给用户left join,right join,inner join, join 与 on 配合用 select col_name.. from tablename1 [inner | left | right] join tablename2 on on_condition select col_name.. from tablename1 left join tablename2 on on_conditio
Oracle中的Union.Union All.Intersect.Minus 众所周知的几个结果集集合操作命令,今天详细地测试了一下,发现一些问题,记录备考. 假设我们有一个表Student,包括以下字段与数据: drop table student; create table student ( id int primary key, name nvarchar2(50) not null, score number not null ); insert into student val
[sql] view plaincopyprint?众所周知的几个结果集集合操作命令,今天详细地测试了一下,发现一些问题,记录备考. 假设我们有一个表Student,包括以下字段与数据: drop table student; create table student ( id int primary key, name nvarchar2(50) not null, score number not null ); insert into student values(1,'Aaron',78
mysql中的union操作(整理) 一.总结 一句话总结: union两侧的字段数和字段类型要是一样的 union可以接多个 orderby和排序可以在最后的union组合之后 1.union简单实例? SELECT country FROM Websites UNION SELECT country FROM apps ORDER BY country; 2.UNION和UNION ALL的区别是什么? UNION 语句:用于将不同表中相同列中查询的数据展示出来:(不包括重复数据) UNIO
今天本来想写一个spark dataframe unionall的demo,由于粗心报下面错误: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Union can only be performed on tables with the same number of columns, but the left table has 3 columns and the right has 4; at o
多表查询 等值连接(Equijoin) select ename,empno,sal,emp.deptno from emp,dept where dept.deptno=emp.deptno; 非等值连接(Non-Equijoin) select ename ,empno,grade from emp,salgrade where sal>losal and sal<hisal;//between and 是包含俩边界值的,not between and 是不包含边界的 (between 1