<学渣Linux笔记>--更改ls命令的输出颜色和命令提示符颜色(二) II.更改命令提示符颜色 命令提示符的显示格式是由变量PS1决定的,首先我们查找GNU官方手册,发现如下内容(不是我喜欢写一大段,只是希望能养成查阅官方手册的习惯): The value of the variable PROMPT_COMMAND is examined just before Bash prints each primary prompt. If PROMPT_COMMAND is set and ha
Light Types 灯光类型 We have now covered some of the project settings which need to be considered before beginning work on lighting your scenes in Unity. Hopefully at this point you should have your project configured appropriately for your target plat
4.3增加了不少2D功能,然后实在没有找到有人分享,在国外查资料研究一下午然后给个简单的教程 ================================================================================= 今天我要说的是SpriteRenderer,这个在U3D的2D模式非常有用,现在就来说下怎么修改颜色 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //-----------------