//ClickMove - - 通过鼠标点击控制物体移动 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; // include NavMeshAgent public class ClickMove : MonoBehaviour { public NavMeshAgent player; //获取动画组件 //public Animator
世界坐标系就是unity的左手坐标系 屏幕坐标系是Game视图相机拍摄的场景坐标系,左下角(0,0),右上角(Screen.width,Screen.height),单位是像素.Z的位置是以相机的世界单位来衡量的,很多介绍都对Z一笔带过, 后面重点讲一下这个Z的含义,也就是物体距离摄像机的"距离". 视口坐标系是将Game视图的屏幕坐标系单位化,左下角(0,0),右上角(1,1) 验证如下: 创建一个cube,和一个相机,为相机挂上脚本CameraConvert.cs using Un
感谢网友分享,原文地址(How to Make an Object Shatter Into Smaller Fragments in Unity),中文翻译地址(Unity实现物体破碎效果) In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple shattering effect for your Unity game. Instead of just "deleting" a crate (or any other obje
通过键盘上↑.↓.←.→实现对物体的控制 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Gary_Text : MonoBehaviour { public Transform WuTi; ; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame